

A cyborg hero and owner of the worldwide ‘Develops Technology’ brand name in Cybernetics; Dexter Develops is a kind, strong hearted individual who sees hope where others don’t and is dedicated to protecting his city and its neighboring inhabitants from dark beings and evil organizations which threaten the world of Titan.

After a devastating encounter with a dark hound during a family trip prior to the Dark War at age 10, Dexter spent most of his early life in hospital unable to pursue his dream of becoming a hero like his mother before him did. However thanks to his family's will, unrivalled determination and cutting-edge cyborg enhancements to break his past limitations, he is now able take up the HQ mantle and fight his way out of any situation against any foe that would be deemed impossible for mortals to fight.

As a HQ hero (Heroic Quester) he travels the world to aid fellow kingdoms, nations and allies from anyone who is in need of saving whether they would be human, royals, demigods, divine beings or gods themselves. While he tends to unintentionally come across as dark natured, he is a soft spoken and caring individual with a strong empathic heart underneath his scarred cyborg exterior.


Characters Gallery

  • Decter Develops - Character Card

  • Dexter Develops - Sky Rider

  • Chibi Dexter Develops - Tiny Diamonds